BUCC Launches ‘Brook BUCC’

On the occasion of 50 years of Victory Day, BRAC University Computer Club (BUCC) takes pride in launching its official Discord Music Bot Service “Brook BUCC”. Following the recent shutdown events of some most popular music bots such as ‘Rythm’ and ‘Groovy’, BUCC  has decided to create its own music bot service for bringing the joy of music and  entertainment for the members. 

Members can now call Brook using the ‘ $ ‘ command. Brook is capable of doing everything we can expect from a music bot. For example, playing and searching for music, adding music to queues and song navigation, listening history, shuffle and repeat music and show information about the current song etc. Members can check out the list of commands by typing ‘$help’ in the music lobby text channel. 

We appreciate  “BUCC Discord Team” for their continuous hard work, specially ‘Md Al-Naim’ who was a core member of this project and ‘Tanjim Reza’ who supervised this project.

The Brook is made with Python Programming Language. ‘youtube-dl’, ‘beautifulsoup4’, ‘spotify-api’ are some of the libraries and api tools that are used to make this bot.